As someone who is interested in the field of STEM and has looked into research opportunities, I found Professor James Lipton’s lecture on the European Union and its inclusive and technological initiatives to be intriguing and fascinating. I don’t think I ever understood the extent of importance the EU has in the scientific field until this lecture. I was especially surprised to learn that the EU invests a great amount of a money towards research, as well as to promote collaborative research experience. I believe this lecture emphasized on the importance of technology and scientific research on globalization and diplomacy.

An interesting point brought up was that of scientific diplomacy. I was surprised to learn of the different diplomatic relationships there are between each nation. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s scholarship is a good example of EU’s efforts to support education, sport, create a collaborative and socially inclusive environment. I was also intrigued by the fact that the programs in the United States are very different than in the EU. The policies and process of collaborative scientific research is different and more involved in one nation over the other. It is for this reason that I look forward to research and explore news on technological advancements and its impact on globalization beyond the United States, as there are multiple discoveries being made constantly around the globe and not just in the U.S.